2008 - 2010


A Google Maps for RNA structures

RNA2DMap - Distance and Conservation


While working as a research engineer at the Gutell bioinformatics lab at the University of Texas at Austin, I was tasked with the creation of an interactive tool to provide an overview of the lab's insightful but complex work. Armed with two semesters of elective computer science courses and an interest in user interface design, I designed and developed an interactive map for investigating RNA structures.


Application Developer

I built the interactive visualization application using ActionScript 3.0, Cairngorm MVC framework, XML, PHP, XHTML, CSS, and Subversion. I evolved the application through agile development. 

Interaction Designer

I improved my interactive map experience with navigation, customization, documentation, and linking features.

User Researcher

I conducted usability testing on my application with college students and used the findings to improve the user experience.


Regions contributing to a folded RNA molecule's structure and function are highly conserved across evolution. RNA2DMap integrated structure, function, and evolutionary data to tell this story interactively.


I iterated on the design through prototyping, coding, and usability testing.

I learned early on that I only knew enough object-oriented programming to create an unwieldy system. I searched for a better way to structure my application. After discovering the MVC design pattern, I adopted an open-source MVC framework.

RNA2DMap concluded with a publication in the IEEE International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedicine.

Usability Testing

Between version 1 and version 2 of RNA2DMap, my colleague and I conducted a usability evaluation with 14 participants.

The goal of the study was to evaluate the discovery and effectiveness of RNA2DMap.

I used the results to make improvements to the Comparative RNA Website and the second version of RNA2DMap.


Shipping as a motivator – I quickly created something tangible and succeeded in making incremental improvements. Experiencing the benefits of short, iterative cycles early in my career has driven me to replicate a similar cadence of delivery with larger teams and more complex projects.

Design team player – I am motivated more by the output of an iterative process. It made me want to be part of a bigger team working towards better user experiences.